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Constellation Aries

A rather inconspicuous northern constellation and sign of the zodiac, which honors the ram whose golden fleece was sought by Jason and the Argonauts. Aries used to contain the vernal equinox, the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator. …

Constellation Ara

A small and rather inconspicuous southern constellation representing the altar on which Centaurus the centaur sacrificed Lupus the wolf. It is visible at latitudes between +25° and -90°, and best visible during the month of July. Abbreviation: Ara Genitive: Arae …

Constellation Aquila

A constellation located in the equatorial region of the sky, representing an eagle. It is best visible in the month of August, high in the evening sky. Abbreviation: Aql Genitive: Aquilae English name: The eagle Notable Stars in Aquila Alpha …

Constellation Aquarius

A constellation of the zodiac, through which the Sun passes from mid February to mid March. It is an ancient constellation, known under various names over the ages. In most myths Aquarius is identified with Ganymede, cup-bearer to the gods. …

Constellation Apus

An inconspicuous constellation in the south polar region of the sky, created by German astronomer Johan Bayer in the 17th century. It is visible at latitudes between +5° and -90°, and best visible during the month of July. Abbreviation: Aps …

Constellation Antlia

A small and faint constellation in the southern hemisphere of the sky. Nicolas Louis de Lacaille introduced it in the 18th century, the constellation represents the air pump invented by English natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor Robert Boyle. Antlia …